Hungate Street, Aylsham, Norwich, Norfolk NR11 6JZ
Tel: 01263 733393 • Fax: 01263 732217

Vision and Framework for Excellence


"The most able pupils achieve well because they are given challenging work to do and much is expected of them."


Our statement fully embodies our vision for the children of Bure Valley, the staff and the community.

At Bure Valley, our values produce a school culture that is positive, nurturing and respectful. We work hard to create classrooms where great learning can occur. Firm in our belief that children come first, we strive to ensure all pupils feel safe and well cared for. We actively promote and live our co-operative values in our everyday actions.

Our School Vision is to promote Care, Creativity & Challenge through the cluster cooperative values we embody.

Our values provide the framework needed for our community to thrive and underpin all strategic decisions and actions.

Our Co-operative Values are:

  • Self – help - we help people to help themselves
  • Self – responsibility - we take responsibility for, and answer to our actions
  • Democracy - we give our members a say in the way we run our organisation
  • Equality - we are genuinely inclusive and pursue success for everyone
  • Equity - we carry out our work in a way that is fair and unbiased
  • Solidarity - we share interests and common purposes with our members and other co-operatives

Our Ethical Values are:

  • Openness - nobody is perfect, and we will not hide it when we are not
  • Honesty - we are honest about what we do and the way we do it
  • Social responsibility - we encourage people to take responsibility for their own community, and work together to improve it
  • Caring for others - we are a nurturing community that takes care of each other and we regularly support charities and local community groups
  • To bring these values to life, and to release this energy, we need to build a membership of active participants in our Co-operative Cluster Trust who give their time, energy and expertise to improve provision for children and families.

Our four key membership groups are:

  • Pupils
  • Staff
  • Parents
  • Community groups and organisations

Pupils, staff and parents are all automatically members of our cooperative.

The key is to make that membership active - through participation in the activities and the work that we do.

For our potential community partners there is a requirement to actively join the cooperative and to take an active role in its development. Ultimately, these groups will have representation on a Forum and on the Trust Board itself.

What this means is that we have a genuine commitment to ensuring that our members have the ability to shape the work that we do as a Cluster of Schools.

For further information, see our vision strategy document ‘A Framework for Excellence’, which sets out clearly our principles and statements of intent.