Hungate Street, Aylsham, Norwich, Norfolk NR11 6JZ
Tel: 01263 733393 • Fax: 01263 732217

Admission Arrangements

"I trust this school to do the best for my child"

Bure Valley School is a non-selective, state-funded junior school, serving children of all abilities. Children are admitted at the beginning of the academic year in which they become seven years old (Year 3).

How do I apply?

You can apply online during the three transfer rounds at:

Alternatively, complete a paper application available from the Norfolk County Council website at or from the school office.

Parents/carers who are considering sending their child/ren to Bure Valley are encouraged to arrange an appointment to look around the school and meet the Head of School. We host an open evening for prospective parents every autumn to coincide with the transfer to junior school timetable.

During the summer term of Year 2, the parents/carers of pupils joining the school in the following September are invited to attend a transition information evening at the school.

New children have the opportunity to visit the school on several occasions during the summer term to familiarise themselves with the surroundings and to meet their new teachers.

Current Priorities for Admission

If there are more applications for places than there are places available, Pupil Admissions will give preference to children living nearest to the school, according to the following rules in this order of priority:

1. Children with an ECHP or statement of special educational needs naming the school;
2. Children who are in public care or who have been adopted from public care who are due to transfer;
3. Children who are eligible to transfer with a brother or sister attending the school at the time of admission;
4. Children who are eligible to transfer and live in the area served by the school who do not have a brother or sister at the school. The ‘area served by the school’ is defined as the area that makes up the catchment area of: John of Gaunt Infant and Nursery;
5. Children who attend the above but live outside the catchment;
6. Children who live outside the catchment, based on proximity of the child’s home to the school, with those living nearer being accorded the higher priority.

Our definition of siblings - ‘brother’ or ‘sister’ means: brothers or sisters living at the same address including adopted children, step-brothers, step-sisters and children in foster care within a family unit.

If all children within any of the above rules cannot be offered a place, the highest priority will be given to children living nearest to the applicable school within that rule.

To determine who lives nearest, distance will be measured on a straight line “crow fly” basis, using Ordnance Survey data. The address will be measured from the post office address point on the property.

In the unlikely event that distance does not separate the final two or more pupils/students seeking the last remaining place, a random allocation will be used to determine who is offered the final place.

Parents/carers may appeal to the admissions authority against a decision not to admit a child.

As a Foundation school the Governing Board is the admissions authority. The Governing Board will use the local authority (LA) appeals procedure for any admissions appeal.


Years 3 to 6

If you have just moved to the area with children of school age, please contact Pupil Admissions at Norfolk County Council on 0344 800 8020 or at

All other admissions are coordinated centrally through that office. However, parents/carers can state a preference for the school which they wish their child to attend.

For further information, see 'A parents' guide to admissions to schools in Norfolk', available on the Admissions section of the Norfolk County Council website at:

Secondary Transfer

Most children transfer to Aylsham High School at the beginning of the autumn term following their 11th birthday at the end of Year 6.

During the summer term in Year 6, pupils spend three transition days at the high school to meet their Year 7 teachers and to familiarise themselves with their new classrooms and premises.

Our Year 6 teachers meet high school staff to discuss each child so that next steps in learning are anticipated.

For children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), our class teachers/SENDCO will discuss specific needs and the nature and level of support which has had the most impact.

Carol Flatters, Parent Support Adviser for the Aylsham Cluster, can provide additional targeted support for individual pupils. For further information, please contact Sally Fox, Pastoral Leader, at

Arrangements for the admission of disabled pupils

The Department for Education (DfE) has published non-statutory guidance on how schools can fulfil their duties under the Equality Act. Since 1 October 2010, the Equality Act has replaced previous equality legislation, including the Race Relations Act, Disability Discrimination Act and Sex Discrimination Act.

Under the Equality Act, schools have a duty to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ for people with disabilities. In paragraph 4.13 of the departmental advice document, the DfE summarises the duty as:

Where something a school does places a disabled pupil at a disadvantage compared with other pupils, then the school must take reasonable steps to try and avoid that disadvantage.

Schools will be expected to provide an auxiliary aid or service for a disabled pupil when it would be reasonable to do so and if such an aid would alleviate any substantial disadvantage that the pupil faces in comparison with non-disabled pupils.

Bure Valley School ensures procedures are in place to meet this guidance so that:

  • Disabled pupils are supported to participate in the school curriculum to their maximum ability;
  • The school environment enables disabled pupils to take advantage of education and associated services.

"Pupils are well prepared for secondary school, particularly so because of the close partnership with the high school ."


Secondary transfer

Most children transfer to Aylsham High School at the beginning of the autumn term following their 11th birthday at the end of Year 6. During the summer term in Year 6, pupils spend three transition days at the high school to meet their Year 7 teachers and to familiarise themselves with their new classrooms and premises. Our Year 6 teachers meet high school staff to discuss each child so that next steps in learning are anticipated.

For children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), our class teachers/SENDCO will discuss specific needs and the nature and level of support which has had the most impact.

Carol Flatters, Parent Support Adviser for the Aylsham Cluster, can provide additional targeted support for individual pupils. For further information, please contact Sally Fox, Pastoral Leader, at


"Pupils feel they are listened to and their opinions count."


Arrangements for the admission of disabled pupils

The Department for Education (DfE) has published non-statutory guidance on how schools can fulfil their duties under the Equality Act. Since 1 October 2010, the Equality Act has replaced previous equality legislation, including the Race Relations Act, Disability Discrimination Act and Sex Discrimination Act.

Under the Equality Act, schools have a duty to make ‘reasonable adjustments’ for people with disabilities. In paragraph 4.13 of the departmental advice document, the DfE summarises the duty as:

  • Where something a school does places a disabled pupil at a disadvantage compared with other pupils, then the school must take reasonable steps to try and avoid that disadvantage.
  • Schools will be expected to provide an auxiliary aid or service for a disabled pupil when it would be reasonable to do so and if such an aid would alleviate any substantial disadvantage that the pupil faces in comparison with non-disabled pupils.

Bure Valley School ensures procedures are in place to meet this guidance so that:

  • Disabled pupils are supported to participate in the school curriculum to their maximum ability.
  • The school environment enables disabled pupils to take advantage of education and associated services.