Dated 1st June 2008

Originally compiled and written by M B Crowe on the 26th October 1998, rewritten 1st January 1999 and 23rd April 1999. Final issue was dated 1st may 1999. The association secretary holds copies of these issues.

The 2008 issue incorporates amendments agreed at the AGM held in Scarborough on 12th April 2008.

In 2009 the committee decided to introduce Associate Membership to the Association. This 2009 issue includes the new rule.


The title of the association shall be the ‘HMS Collingwood Association'


The aims and objects of the association shall be:

a) To bring together in mutual friendship those who have served in HMS Collingwood.

b) To assist each other as necessary

c) To keep members in contact with each other by means of a magazine known as ‘The Shipmate’, a website, meetings and a membership list regularly updated with changes of address etc.

d) To establish and maintain links with the Royal Navy and other suitable organisations


Full Membership is open to: Any person who at any time has served at HMS Collingwood whether as Royal Navy trainee, RN/WRNS Ships Company or civilian. Or is the Daughter, Son or close relative of any of the former and will maintain the name of the HMS Collingwood Association with honour.

Associate Membership is open, by invitation, to persons who are in sympathy with the aims of the association.  Normal subscriptions are payable.  Associate members will have full voting rights and can stand for election to all committee posts except Chairman.


a) The financial year shall be from January 1st to December 31st each year.

b) The rate of annual subscription shall be determined each year at the AGM and shall take effect from the 1st of January of the following year.

c) The annual subscription shall fall due on the 1st of January. Any new member joining during October, November or December shall have their membership fee waived until the following January 1st.


The officers of the Association shall be:

a) CHAIRMAN who shall be elected by the members of the association at the AGM. He will act as the senior member of the committee and shall have the casting vote in the event of parity in voting.

b) SECRETARY (3 year post) shall be responsible for dealing with the official correspondence of the association. In association with the chairman he/she will convene meetings, issue notices of such meetings, produce the agenda, keep and issue a true record of all meetings. The secretary shall be elected by the members at the AGM at the expiry of the 3-year period and will take office immediately on completion of the ballot.

c) TREASURER (4 year post) shall be responsible for the finances of the association; he shall present an annual statement of accounts, duly audited. He shall be responsible for the collection of subscriptions. The treasurer shall sign all cheques and drawing of any money from the association. He shall be elected as above, but in the fourth year of the treasurer’s office.

d) MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY (3 year post) shall be responsible for the maintenance of a list of members, regular notices of change of members details such as change of address etc. He shall be elected as in the secretary’s terms.

e) NEWSLETTER EDITOR (3 year post) shall be responsible for the content and issue of the association newsletter on a regular basis. He shall be elected as for the secretary.

f) SLOPS AND CLOTHING MANAGER (4 year post) shall be responsible for the purchase and sale of all official badges, crests, clothing and memorabilia. He shall be elected as for the secretary but in the fourth year of office.

g) WELFARE (3 year post) to have a sympathetic ear for the members of the HMS Collingwood Association and to liase when and where necessary with such organisations as SSAFA, RNBT, The Royal Alfred Seafarers Society, Royal British legion and any other organisation or agency available to help members in need. He shall be elected as for secretary.

h) ARCHIVIST (4 year post) to collect, collate and keep in good order, photographs, artefacts, mementos, magazines and any other such items given to the HMS Collingwood Association by its members, the public, HMS Collingwood or any other such agency. He shall be elected as for secretary.

i) CHAPLAIN (3 year post) to arrange an inter-denominational remembrance service at the reunions and any other service as required.

Any other office as agreed by the members in a democratic vote.


President Tom Straiton
Chairman Dennis Paterson
Treasurer Ron Davis
Vice Chairman Don Edwards
Secretary Brian Cox (temporary)
Membership Secretary Brian Cox (temporary)
Social Secretary Shirley Winn
Welfare Vacancy
Newsletter Editor Brian Hooper
Website & Publicity Brian Cox
Slops Vacancy
Archivist Ken Waugh

HMS Collingwood Association Badge